We have top quality beeswax. This typically sourced from a local beekeeper in our area. The beeswax is rich and aromatic. This is what we use in other products as well as our daily life. Choose from 2 oz. or 2 lb block.
Besides the most common usesĀ like candles and ointments, here are just a few more uses for beeswax…..
1) lubricant for very old furniture joints.
2) Smooth movement for doors and windows.
3) Component for mustache creams.
4) Prevents bronze items from tarnishing.
5) Use as a rust prevention.
6) Furniture polish when mixed with linseed oil and mineral spirits in equal parts.
7) covering cheeses and preservatives to protect from spoilage.
8) Conditioner for wood bowls and cutting boards.
9) Coat nails and screws to prevent wood from splintering.
10) Cake guitar bodies to boost longevity.