Cornus mas collection: updated 1-12-25
Trees with possible scions available:
- Butylochnyi
- Devin
- Elehantnyi (Elegant™)
- Golden Glory
- Lukianovskyi (Pioneer™)
- Shumen
- Syretskyi (Red Dawn™)
- Vavilovets
- Vydubetskyi (Red Star™)
- Yantarnyi (Yellow™)
Trees off site with possible scion available:
- Early Purple*
- Friendship*
- Saffron Sentinel
- Yugo Sweet*
- Yugo #2*
- Yugo Large*
*Unique seedlings found and named by me
Small plants in my collection (no scions available):
- Aliosha
- Aurea
- Big Fruit
- Bulgarsky
- Bylda
- Dripping Cherries
- Early Yellow
- Ekzotychnyi (Exotica™)
- Elegantissma/Tricolor
- Flava
- Fruitful (from Austria, most likely Fruchtal)
- Hrenader
- Jolico
- Juliusz
- Kintoki (Cornus officinalis)
- Koralovyi Marka (Coral Blaze™)
- Kostia
- Kozerog
- Macrocarpa
- Mykolka
- Olena (Helen™)
- Pervenets
- Pryorski
- Pyramidalis
- Redstone
- Shafer
- Slastena
- Spring Glow (Cornus officinalis?)
- Sunrise™
- Typ 2 (from Austria)
- U-26
- Ugolek
- Variegata
- Violacea
- Vyshgorodskyi
- Yevgeniya
- Yuvileinyi Klymenko
For more info on Ukrainian cultivars….